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Tucson AccessTrails
Tucson AccessTrails
Explore Regional Trails and Parks
Tucson AccessTrails
Saguaro National Park West
Sendero Esperanza Trail
The city view with saguaros and wildflowers in the foreground
A visitor stops to take a photo of wildflowers along the trail
Prickly pear cactus, wildflowers, saguaros, and a mountain
vista behind
Accessible restrooms, parking, and picnic tables are available at the trailhead
Cactus flowers are found along the trail in Spring and Summer
The mountain vista with Sonoran Desert cacti in the foreground
The Sendero Esperanza trail through the Saguaro National Park West
The Park Visitor Center offers information, a gift shop,
drinks, and snacks
The trailhead has signs with a map and information for hikers
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