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Tucson AccessTrails
Tucson AccessTrails
Explore Regional Trails and Parks
Tucson AccessTrails
Tohono Chul Park
Location and Arrival
A sign along the road provides directions to Tohono Chul Park
The Park has a large parking lot and many accessible parking spaces
A rock monument welcomes visitors to the driveway into Tohono Chul Park
The Sun Shuttle bus #401 provides public transit to the entrance of
Tohono Chul Park
A well-marked crosswalk leads across the parking lot to the Park entrance
The hike begins with a stop at the admissions kiosk to pay a fee and obtain a map
A sign directs visitors to admissions, the bistro, shops, and a museum
The entry fee is $15,
with discounts for seniors,
military, students, and kids
A bench marks the beginning of the hike, with an information kiosk behind